path: root/parser.y
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authorKaz Kylheku <>2014-10-19 08:56:09 -0700
committerKaz Kylheku <>2014-10-19 08:56:09 -0700
commit57689fa47c1fcc67f224a81915a46e86af3e94be (patch)
treecf2b3dc5dade66ef081d00f608d0d9ff10d16494 /parser.y
parentf835bd19d1d65b1679f90aea56015704f11f8f4f (diff)
* parser.y (r_exprs): New grammar symbol. r_exprs uses
left-recursive rules to avoid filling the yacc stack, and returns the items in reverse order. The output of each r_exprs-generating rule consists of a list which gives the terminating atom, and then the list contents in reverse order. (n_exprs): Becomes wrapper for r_exprs which deals with the terminating atom, and reversed items.
Diffstat (limited to 'parser.y')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/parser.y b/parser.y
index 6dd79c30..e8e6069e 100644
--- a/parser.y
+++ b/parser.y
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ int yylex(union YYSTYPE *, yyscan_t scanner);
%type <val> if_clause elif_clauses_opt else_clause_opt
%type <val> line elems_opt elems clause_parts_h additional_parts_h
%type <val> text texts elem var var_op modifiers vector hash
-%type <val> list exprs exprs_opt expr n_exprs n_expr n_exprs_opt
+%type <val> list exprs exprs_opt expr n_exprs r_exprs n_expr n_exprs_opt
%type <val> out_clauses out_clauses_opt out_clause
%type <val> repeat_clause repeat_parts_opt o_line
%type <val> o_elems_opt o_elems o_elem o_var q_var rep_elem rep_parts_opt
@@ -731,21 +731,51 @@ exprs_opt : exprs { $$ = $1; }
| /* empty */ { $$ = nil; }
-n_exprs : n_expr { $$ = rlcp(cons($1, nil), $1); }
- | n_expr n_exprs { uses_or2;
- $$ = rlcp(cons($1, $2), or2($1, $2)); }
- | n_expr '.' n_expr { uses_or2;
- $$ = rlcp(cons($1, $3), or2($1, $3)); }
- | n_expr DOTDOT n_exprs { uses_or2;
- $$ = rlcp(cons(list(cons_s, $1,
- car($3), nao),
- cdr($3)), or2($1, $3)); }
- | WSPLICE wordslit { $$ = rl($2, num($1)); }
- | WSPLICE wordslit
- n_exprs { $$ = nappend2(rl($2, num($1)), $3); }
- | QWSPLICE wordsqlit { $$ = rl($2, num($1)); }
- | QWSPLICE wordsqlit
- n_exprs { $$ = nappend2(rl($2, num($1)), $3); }
+n_exprs : r_exprs { val term_atom = pop(&$1);
+ val tail_cons = $1;
+ $$ = nreverse($1);
+ rplacd(tail_cons, term_atom); }
+ ;
+r_exprs : n_expr { val exprs = cons($1, nil);
+ rlcp(exprs, $1);
+ $$ = rlcp(cons(nil, exprs), exprs); }
+ | r_exprs n_expr { uses_or2;
+ val term_atom_cons = $1;
+ val exprs = cdr($1);
+ rplacd(term_atom_cons,
+ rlcp(cons($2, exprs), or2($2, exprs)));
+ $$ = term_atom_cons; }
+ | r_exprs '.' n_expr { val term_atom_cons = $1;
+ rplaca(term_atom_cons, $3);
+ $$ = $1; }
+ | r_exprs DOTDOT n_expr { uses_or2;
+ val term_atom_cons = $1;
+ val exprs = cdr($1);
+ rplacd(term_atom_cons,
+ rlcp(cons(list(cons_s, car(exprs),
+ $3, nao),
+ cdr(exprs)),
+ or2($3, exprs)));
+ $$ = term_atom_cons; }
+ | WSPLICE wordslit { $$ = cons(nil, nreverse(rl($2, num($1))));
+ rlcp($$, cdr($$)); }
+ | r_exprs WSPLICE
+ wordslit { val term_atom_cons = $1;
+ val exprs = cdr($1);
+ rplacd(term_atom_cons,
+ nappend2(rl(nreverse($3), num($2)),
+ exprs));
+ $$ = term_atom_cons; }
+ | QWSPLICE wordsqlit { $$ = cons(nil, rl($2, num($1)));
+ rlcp($$, cdr($$)); }
+ | r_exprs QWSPLICE
+ wordsqlit { val term_atom_cons = $1;
+ val exprs = cdr($1);
+ rplacd(term_atom_cons,
+ nappend2(rl(nreverse($3), num($2)),
+ exprs));
+ $$ = term_atom_cons; }
n_expr : SYMTOK { $$ = symhlpr($1, t); }