path: root/winsup/cygwin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'winsup/cygwin/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 317 deletions
diff --git a/winsup/cygwin/ b/winsup/cygwin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 77c37249e..000000000
--- a/winsup/cygwin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-/* all dynamic load stuff.
- Copyright 2000 Cygnus Solutions.
-This file is part of Cygwin.
-This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the
-Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for
-details. */
-#include "winsup.h"
-#include "autoload.h"
-extern "C" {
-/* This struct is unused, but it illustrates the layout of a DLL
- information block. */
-struct DLLinfo
- char jmpinst[4];
- DWORD flag;
- char name[0];
-/* FIXME: This is not thread-safe! */
-__asm__ ("
- .ascii \"couldn't dynamically determine load address for '%s' (handle %p), %E\\0\"
- .align 32
- popl %edx # Get the address of the information block
- movl 8(%edx),%eax # Should we 'ignore' the lack
- test $1,%eax # of this function?
- jz 1f # Nope.
- decl %eax # Yes. This is the # of bytes + 1
- popl %edx # Caller's caller
- addl %eax,%esp # Pop off bytes
- xor %eax,%eax # Zero functional return
- jmp *%edx # Return
- movl 4(%edx),%eax # Handle value
- pushl (%eax)
- leal 12(%edx),%eax # Location of name of function
- push %eax
- push $msg1 # The message
- call ___api_fatal # Print message. Never returns
- .globl cygwin_dll_func_load
- movl (%esp),%eax # 'Return address' contains load info
- addl $12,%eax # Address of name of function to load
- pushl %eax # Second argument
- movl -8(%eax),%eax # Address of Handle to DLL
- pushl (%eax) # Handle to DLL
- call _GetProcAddress@8# Load it
- test %eax,%eax # Success?
- jne gotit # Yes
- jmp noload # Issue an error or return
- popl %ecx # Pointer to 'return address'
- movb $0xe0,-1(%ecx) # Turn preceding call to a jmp *%eax
- movl %eax,(%ecx) # Point dispatch to address loaded above
- jmp *%eax
-LoadDLLinitfunc (advapi32)
- static NO_COPY LONG here = -1L;
- while (InterlockedIncrement (&here))
- {
- InterlockedDecrement (&here);
- Sleep (0);
- }
- if (advapi32_handle)
- /* nothing to do */;
- else if ((h = LoadLibrary ("advapi32.dll")) != NULL)
- advapi32_handle = h;
- else if (!advapi32_handle)
- api_fatal ("could not load advapi32.dll, %E");
- InterlockedDecrement (&here);
- return 0;
-LoadDLLinitfunc (netapi32)
- if ((h = LoadLibrary ("netapi32.dll")) != NULL)
- netapi32_handle = h;
- else if (! netapi32_handle)
- api_fatal ("could not load netapi32.dll. %d", GetLastError ());
- return 0;
-LoadDLLinitfunc (ntdll)
- static NO_COPY LONG here = -1L;
- while (InterlockedIncrement (&here))
- {
- InterlockedDecrement (&here);
-small_printf ("Multiple tries to read ntdll.dll\n");
- Sleep (0);
- }
- if (ntdll_handle)
- /* nothing to do */;
- else if ((h = LoadLibrary ("ntdll.dll")) != NULL)
- ntdll_handle = h;
- else if (!ntdll_handle)
- api_fatal ("could not load ntdll.dll, %E");
- InterlockedDecrement (&here);
- return 0;
-LoadDLLinitfunc (user32)
- static NO_COPY LONG here = -1L;
- while (InterlockedIncrement (&here))
- {
- InterlockedDecrement (&here);
- Sleep (0);
- }
- if (user32_handle)
- /* nothing to do */;
- else if ((h = LoadLibrary ("user32.dll")) != NULL)
- user32_handle = h;
- else if (!user32_handle)
- api_fatal ("could not load user32.dll, %E");
- InterlockedDecrement (&here);
- return 0; /* Already done by another thread? */
-LoadDLLinitfunc (wsock32)
- extern void wsock_init ();
- if ((h = LoadLibrary ("wsock32.dll")) != NULL)
- wsock32_handle = h;
- else if (!wsock32_handle)
- api_fatal ("could not load wsock32.dll. Is TCP/IP installed?");
- else
- return 0; /* Already done by another thread? */
- if (!ws2_32_handle)
- wsock_init ();
- return 0;
-LoadDLLinitfunc (ws2_32)
- extern void wsock_init ();
- if ((h = LoadLibrary ("ws2_32.dll")) == NULL)
- return 0; /* Already done or not available. */
- ws2_32_handle = h;
- if (!wsock32_handle)
- wsock_init ();
- return 0;
-static void dummy_autoload (void) __attribute__ ((unused));
-static void
-dummy_autoload (void)
-LoadDLLinit (advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (AddAccessAllowedAce, 16, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (AddAccessDeniedAce, 16, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (AddAce, 20, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (AdjustTokenPrivileges, 24, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (CopySid, 12, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (CreateProcessAsUserA, 44, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfuncEx (CryptAcquireContextA, 20, advapi32, 1)
-LoadDLLfuncEx (CryptGenRandom, 12, advapi32, 1)
-LoadDLLfuncEx (CryptReleaseContext, 8, advapi32, 1)
-LoadDLLfunc (DeregisterEventSource, 4, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (EqualSid, 8, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetAce, 12, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetFileSecurityA, 20, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetLengthSid, 4, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetSecurityDescriptorDacl, 16, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetSecurityDescriptorGroup, 12, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetSecurityDescriptorOwner, 12, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetSidIdentifierAuthority, 4, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetSidSubAuthority, 8, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetSidSubAuthorityCount, 4, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetTokenInformation, 20, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetUserNameA, 8, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (ImpersonateLoggedOnUser, 4, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (InitializeAcl, 12, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (InitializeSecurityDescriptor, 8, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (InitializeSid, 12, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (IsValidSid, 4, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (LogonUserA, 24, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (LookupAccountNameA, 28, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (LookupAccountSidA, 28, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (LookupPrivilegeValueA, 12, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (MakeSelfRelativeSD, 12, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (OpenProcessToken, 12, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (RegCloseKey, 4, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (RegCreateKeyExA, 36, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (RegDeleteKeyA, 8, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (RegDeleteValueA, 8, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (RegLoadKeyA, 12, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (RegEnumKeyExA, 32, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (RegEnumValueA, 32, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (RegOpenKeyExA, 20, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (RegQueryValueExA, 24, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (RegSetValueExA, 24, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (RegisterEventSourceA, 8, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (ReportEventA, 36, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (RevertToSelf, 0, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (SetKernelObjectSecurity, 12, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (SetSecurityDescriptorDacl, 16, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (SetSecurityDescriptorGroup, 12, advapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (SetSecurityDescriptorOwner, 12, advapi32)
-LoadDLLinit (netapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (NetWkstaUserGetInfo, 12, netapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (NetUserGetInfo, 16, netapi32)
-LoadDLLfunc (NetApiBufferFree, 4, netapi32)
-LoadDLLinit (ntdll)
-LoadDLLfuncEx (NtMapViewOfSection, 40, ntdll, 1)
-LoadDLLfuncEx (NtOpenSection, 12, ntdll, 1)
-LoadDLLfuncEx (NtQuerySystemInformation, 16, ntdll, 1)
-LoadDLLfuncEx (NtUnmapViewOfSection, 8, ntdll, 1)
-LoadDLLfuncEx (RtlInitUnicodeString, 8, ntdll, 1)
-LoadDLLfuncEx (RtlNtStatusToDosError, 4, ntdll, 1)
-LoadDLLfuncEx (ZwQuerySystemInformation, 16, ntdll, 1)
-LoadDLLinit (user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (CharToOemA, 8, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (CharToOemBuffA, 12, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (CloseClipboard, 0, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (CreateWindowExA, 48, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (DefWindowProcA, 16, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (DispatchMessageA, 4, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (FindWindowA, 8, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetClipboardData, 4, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetMessageA, 16, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetProcessWindowStation, 0, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetThreadDesktop, 4, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (GetUserObjectInformationA, 20, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (KillTimer, 8, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (MessageBoxA, 16, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, 20, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (OemToCharBuffA, 12, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (OpenClipboard, 4, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (PeekMessageA, 20, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (PostMessageA, 16, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (PostQuitMessage, 4, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (RegisterClassA, 4, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (SendMessageA, 16, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (SetTimer, 16, user32)
-LoadDLLfunc (SetUserObjectSecurity, 12, user32)
-LoadDLLinit (wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (WSAAsyncSelect, 16, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (WSACleanup, 0, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (WSAGetLastError, 0, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (WSASetLastError, 4, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (WSAStartup, 8, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (__WSAFDIsSet, 8, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (accept, 12, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (bind, 12, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (closesocket, 4, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (connect, 12, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (gethostbyaddr, 12, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (gethostbyname, 4, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (gethostname, 8, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (getpeername, 12, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (getprotobyname, 4, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (getprotobynumber, 4, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (getservbyname, 8, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (getservbyport, 8, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (getsockname, 12, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (getsockopt, 20, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (inet_addr, 4, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (inet_network, 4, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (inet_ntoa, 4, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (ioctlsocket, 12, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (listen, 8, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (rcmd, 24, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (recv, 16, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (recvfrom, 24, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (rexec, 24, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (rresvport, 4, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (select, 20, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (send, 16, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (sendto, 24, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (setsockopt, 20, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (shutdown, 8, wsock32)
-LoadDLLfunc (socket, 12, wsock32)
-LoadDLLinit (ws2_32)
-LoadDLLfuncEx (WSADuplicateSocketA, 12, ws2_32, 1)
-LoadDLLfuncEx (WSASocketA, 24, ws2_32, 1)