;;; ;;; deque data type for Lisp ;;; ;;; Copyright 2012 Kaz Kylheku ;;; ;;; With the help of the pop-deque macro below, you can represent ;;; a deque using two Lisp lists. Use one list for the ;;; front end of the deque and another list for the back. ;;; Let's call these F and B. ;;; ;;; Then, to pop from the front use (pop-deque F B). ;;; To pop from the back, reverse the list arguments: (pop-deque B F). ;;; The macro moves items from one to the other if there ;;; is an underflow. ;;; ;;; Pushing into the deque is done using regular Lisp push ;;; operations: (push item F) or (push item B). ;;; ;;; (or F B) gives us a test whether the dequeue is not empty. ;;; ;;; (+ (length F) (length B)) gives us the length. ;;; ;;; (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun bisect-list (list &optional (minimum-length 0)) (do ((double-skipper (cddr list) (cddr double-skipper)) (single-skipper list (cdr single-skipper)) (length 2 (+ length (if (cdr double-skipper) 2 1)))) ((null double-skipper) (cond ((< length minimum-length) (values list nil)) ((consp single-skipper) (multiple-value-prog1 (values list (cdr single-skipper)) (setf (cdr single-skipper) nil))) (t (values list nil)))))) (defun pop-deque-helper (facing-piece other-piece) (if (null facing-piece) (multiple-value-bind (head tail) (bisect-list other-piece 10) (let ((remaining (if tail head)) (moved (nreverse (or tail head)))) (values (first moved) (rest moved) remaining))) (values (first facing-piece) (rest facing-piece) other-piece)))) (defmacro pop-deque (facing-piece other-piece) (let ((result (gensym)) (new-facing (gensym)) (new-other (gensym))) `(multiple-value-bind (,result ,new-facing ,new-other) (pop-deque-helper ,facing-piece ,other-piece) (psetf ,facing-piece ,new-facing ,other-piece ,new-other) ,result)))